Thursday, October 15, 2009

Structure of 2 Songs

The song I listened to from my own collection is "Smile" by Uncle Kracker. The song is upbeat and has a happy feeling to is so I believe it is played in major. The tempo was moderate, most likely around 80 beats per minute. The structure of the song is A B A' B C B' B where A represents the verses and B represents the chorus. C represents a bridge that occurred towards the end of the song right before the last chorus was played. The texture of the song is homophonic with vocals accompanied by a piano, drums, and guitar. From the structure it is obvious that the form the of the song is repetition with some change.
The song I chose to listen to from NAXOS was a Cello Sonata No. 2 in G minor, Op. 5, No. 2 by Beethoven called "Allegro molto piu tosto presto." From the name one may think that this piece is extremely fast but I found it to be about 120 beats per minute. The structure of the piece was A B A C. From this structure I determined that the form of the song is repetition with some change. The C represents a part of the piece where the tempo increased dramatically. The texture of the song was homophonic and the melody was conjunct or comprised of steps.

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